Angela Brown

Ta Daa Lady, Nylon Zoo, Baroque Dancer, Dance Improv, Singer & Puppeteer

“I’ve worked as a theatre critic — and kids’ writer — for over 30 years. The Ta Daa Lady is the real thing. I happened to see her performing at a birthday party for children and I was so impressed.  Those situations can be chaotic but the Ta Daa Lady very gently — and firmly — kept control. Best of all, she genuinely played with the kids in creative ways and they were enthralled.

Colin Thomas, Vancouver B.C. 2020

The Nylon Zoo

Angela’s celebratory event  called The Nylon Zoo is an event is an interactive for the whole family. It is great for  festivals, special events and parties. The Zoo offers a wide variety of inflatable sculptures with storytelling inside and includes a wide variety of colorful costumes  (animals and flowers – all sizes)  for parades and dances.

The Ta Daa Lady

In Angela’s Ta Daa Lady Show, she incorporates puppets (her favourite puppet is Stumpy) with interactive songs, dances, clowning and pantomime. She gets the audience involved and gets them laughing while she makes her way through all sorts of crazy antics.

As part of a storytelling performance called Golden Hair (based on a French Canadian Folktale) Angela got the whole audience up on their feet to partake in a Renaissance Dance.